Wellness: What Is It?
"Wellness is that state in which you are relatively invincible, nothing can ruin your day, you feel alive, vital and confident..."
The term ‘wellness’ is quite popular today – but what is wellness?
Where can we get it?
What does it mean to be well?
Is wellness similar to health? How does it differ?
What is the relationship of wellness to illness and disease?
The Focus of Wellness
Wellness is available in health and/or disease and establishes the cellular and physiological environment (context) for our future body.
The Assessment of Wellness
The way in which we arrive at the conclusion “I am well” vs “I am ill” is very different than the way we are judged as healthy or diagnosed as diseased.
The Power of Wellness
While the concept of wellness/illness gives us insight and access to a more empowered view of health and disease, how can we really implement this in our lives?